Under Construction

Chapter 12   The Central Counting Location

H. After The Count Ends For The Day

1. Record the Tabulator Count

After the count is completed for the day, write down the ballot count.

If multiple tabulators are used, write down the vote count of each tabulator.

Send the count off to poll watcher team [poll watcher]/central party committee [observer].

2. Witness the Ballots Being Securely Stored

Witness the securing of the ballots and of all election records.

Ask for a copy of the output of the tabulator. You won't get it because it remains an election record until election day, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

3. Clean Up After Yourself

Apply the Girl Scout rule of leaving a place better then you found it.

4. Sign Out

Sign out, as required.

5. Securing the Room

Witness the Central Counting Location Being Secured

Send a text message to the poll watcher team [poll watcher]/central party committee [observer] with the name of the person locking the door, and the time the room is locked.

Illinois — 2022 Election