Article 5

Registration of Electors in Counties Having a Population of 500,000 or More

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10 ILCS 5/5-1 — Voting Registration Requirements

Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful for any person residing in a county containing a population of 500,000 or more, to vote at any of this Act. election, unless such person is at the time of such election a registered voter under the requirements of this Article 5 or is exempt under Section 5-29.01 from registration. Provided, that this Article 5 shall not apply to electors residing in cities, villages, and incorporated towns in this State which have adopted or are operating under Article 6. this link opens in a new browser tab., 14. this link opens in a new browser tab. and 18. this link opens in a new browser tab. of this Act, or to electors voting pursuant to Article 20. this link opens in a new browser tab..

10 ILCS 5/5-2 — Registration

No person shall be entitled to be registered in and from any precinct unless such person shall by the date of the election next following have resided in the State and within the precinct 30 days and be otherwise qualified to vote at such election. Every applicant who shall be 18 years of age or over on the day of the next election shall be permitted to register, if otherwise qualified. To constitute residence under this Article 5 Article 3. this link opens in a new browser tab. is controlling.

10 ILCS 5/5-3 — Precinct Registration

The Board of County Commissioners shall appoint the place of registry in each precinct for any precinct registration under Section 5-17 of this Article 5. Such place or places shall be in the most public, orderly and convenient portions thereof; and no building or part of a building shall be designated or used as a place of registry, in which spirituous or intoxicating liquor is sold. The County Clerk may demand of the Chief of Police of each city, village or incorporated town, or the Sheriff to furnish officers of the law to attend during the progress of any registration at any place or places of registration designated by the County Commissioners.

Such officers of the law shall be furnished by the Chief of Police or Sheriff and shall be stationed in the place or places of registration in such manner as the County Clerk shall direct, and during such assignment shall be under the direction and control of the County Clerk.

10 ILCS 5/5-4 — The County Clerk As the Registration Officer

The County Clerk shall be ex-officio the registration officer of such county and shall have full charge and control of the registration of voters within such county where this Article 5 is in effect. The clerk and a duly appointed deputy clerk of each city, village, incorporated town and township in which all or any part of the territory in which this Article 5 is in effect shall be deputy registration officers.

10 ILCS 5/5-5 — Dates & Hours of Registration

For the purpose of registering voters under this Article 5, in addition to the method provided for precinct registration under Sections 5-6 and 5-17 of this Article 5, the office of the county clerk shall be open between 9:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. on all days except Saturday, Sunday and holidays, but there shall be no registration at such office during the 35 days immediately preceding any election required to be held under the law but if no precinct registration is being conducted prior to any election then registration may be taken in the office of the county clerk up to and including the 28th day prior to an election. On Saturdays, the hours of registration shall be from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 p. m. noon. During such 35 or 27 day period, registration of electors of political subdivisions wherein a regular, or special election is required to be held shall cease and shall not be resumed for the registration of electors of such political subdivisions until the second day following the day of such election. In any election called for the submission of the revision or alteration of, or the amendments to the Constitution, submitted by a Constitutional Convention, the final day for registration at the office of the election authority charged with the printing of the ballot of this election shall be the 15th day prior to the date of the election.

Each county clerk shall appoint one deputy for the purpose of accepting the registration of any voter who files an affidavit that he is physically unable to appear at any appointed place of registration. The county clerk shall designate a deputy to visit each person with a disability and shall accept the registration of each such person as if he had applied for registration at the office of the county clerk.

The offices of city, village, incorporated town and town clerks shall also be open for the purpose of registering voters residing in the territory in which this Article is in effect, and also, in the case of city, village and incorporated town clerks, for the purpose of registering voters residing in a portion of the city, village or incorporated town not located within the county, on all days on which the office of the county clerk is open for the registration of voters of such cities, villages, incorporated towns and townships.

10 ILCS 5/5-6 — 1961 Reregistration [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-7 — Registration Forms [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-7.01 — Registering for Assisted Voting

If an applicant for registration reports a permanent physical disability which would require assistance in voting, the county clerk shall mark all his registration cards in the right margin on the front of the card with a band of ink running the full margin which shall be of contrast to, and easily distinguishable from, the color of the card. If an applicant for registration declares upon properly witnessed oath, with his signature or mark affixed, that he cannot read the English language and that he will require assistance in voting, all his registration cards shall be marked in a manner similar to the marking on the cards of a voter who requires assistance because of physical disability, except that the marking shall be of a different distinguishing color. Following each election the cards of any voter who has requested assistance as a voter with a disability, and has stated that the disability is permanent, or who has received assistance because of inability to read the English language, shall be marked in the same manner.

10 ILCS 5/5-7.02 — Assisted Voter Voting Card

The issuance of a voter's identification card for persons with disabilities as provided in Section 19-12. this link opens in a new browser tab., the county clerk shall cause the identification number of such card to be clearly noted on all the registration cards of such voter.

10 ILCS 5/5-7.03 — Voter Registration Card & Voter Moving Precincts Within an Election Jurisdiction

The State Board of Elections shall design a registration record card which, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall be used in triplicate by all election authorities in the State, except those election authorities adopting a computer-based voter registration file authorized under Section 5-43. The Board shall prescribe the form and specifications, including but not limited to the weight of paper, color and print of such cards. Such cards shall contain boxes or spaces for the information required under Sections 5-7 and 5-28.1 of this Code; provided, that such cards shall also contain a box or space for the applicant's social security number, which shall be required to the extent allowed by law but in no case shall the applicant provide fewer than the last 4 digits of the social security number, and a box for the applicant's telephone number, if available.

Except for those election authorities adopting a computer-based voter registration file authorized under Section 5-43, the original and duplicate cards shall respectively constitute the master file and precinct binder registration records of the voter. A copy shall be given to the applicant upon completion of his or her registration or completed transfer of registration.

Whenever a voter moves to another precinct within the same election jurisdiction or to another election jurisdiction in the State, such voter may transfer his or her registration by presenting his or her copy to the election authority or a deputy registrar. If such voter is not in possession of or has lost his or her copy, he or she may effect a transfer of registration by executing an Affidavit of Cancellation of Previous Registration. In the case of a transfer of registration to a new election jurisdiction, the election authority shall transmit the voter's copy or such affidavit to the election authority of the voter's former election jurisdiction, which shall immediately cause the transmission of the voter's previous registration card to the voter's new election authority. No transfer of registration to a new election jurisdiction shall be complete until the voter's old election authority receives notification.

Deputy registrars shall return all copies of registration record cards or Affidavits of Cancellation of Previous Registration to the election authority by first-class mail within 2 business days or personal delivery within 7 days after the receipt thereof, except that such copies or Affidavits of Cancellation of Previous Registration received by the deputy registrars between the 35th and 28th day preceding an election shall be returned by the deputy registrars to the election authority within 48 hours after receipt. The deputy registrars shall return the copies or Affidavits of Cancellation of Previous Registration received by them on the 28th day preceding an election to the election authority within 24 hours after receipt thereof.

10 ILCS 5/5-8 — Deputy Registrars & Judges of Registration

The County Clerk shall supply Deputy Registrars, Officers of Registration and Judges of Registration with registration forms and shall fully instruct them in their duties. Each Deputy Registrar, Officer of Registration and Judge of Registration shall receipt to the County Clerk for all blank registration records issued to them, specifying therein the number of blanks received by them, and each Deputy Registrar, Officer of Registration and Judge of Registration shall be charged with such blanks until he returns them to the County Clerk. If for any cause a blank registration record card is mutilated or rendered unfit for use in making it out, or if a mistake therein has been made, such blank shall not be destroyed, but the word "mutilated" shall be written across the face of such blank, and such blank shall be returned to the County Clerk and shall be preserved in the same manner and for the same length of time as mutilated ballots. When each 1961 and 1962 precinct re-registration shall have been completed, a Deputy Registrar or Judge of Registration shall return all registration record cards to the County Clerk whether such cards have been filled out, executed or whether they are unused, or whether they have been mutilated. A Deputy Registrar, or Judge of Registration for precinct registration shall make personal delivery of the registration records to the County Clerk, after the close of each precinct registration. Each Deputy Registrar and Judge of Registration shall certify the registration records in substantially the following form:

"We, the undersigned Deputy Registrars and Judge of Registration in the County of COUNTY in the State of Illinois, do swear (or affirm) that at the registration of electors on the DAY day of DATE there was registered by us in the said election precinct the names which appear on the registration records, and that the number of voters registered and qualified was and is the number NUMBER .

JUDGE OF REGISTRATION (Judge of Registration)

DEPUTY REGISTRAR (Deputy Registrar)

DEPUTY REGISTRAR (Deputy Registrar)


10 ILCS 5/5-8.5 — Deputy Registrar Eligibility

Deputy registrar eligibility. Unless otherwise provided by law, an individual who is 17 years old or older who is registered to vote in this State shall be eligible to serve as a deputy registrar.

10 ILCS 5/5-9 — Applying For Registration

Except as herein provided, no person shall be registered unless he applies in person to registration officer, answers such relevant questions as may be asked of him by the registration officer, and executes the affidavit of registration. The registration officer shall require the applicant to furnish two forms of identification, and except in the case of a homeless individual, one of which must include his or her residence address. These forms of identification shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following: driver's license, social security card, public aid identification card, utility bill, employee or student identification card, lease or contract for a residence, credit card, or a civic, union or professional association membership card. The registration officer shall require a homeless individual to furnish evidence of his or her use of the mailing address stated. This use may be demonstrated by a piece of mail addressed to that individual and received at that address or by a statement from a person authorizing use of the mailing address. The registration officer shall require each applicant for registration to read or have read to him the affidavit of registration before permitting him to execute the affidavit.

One of the Deputy Registrars, the Judge of Registration, or an Officer of Registration, County Clerk, or clerk in the office of the County Clerk, shall administer to all persons who shall personally apply to register the following oath or affirmation:

"You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly answer all such questions as shall be put to you touching your place of residence, name, place of birth, your qualifications as an elector and your right as such to register and vote under the laws of the State of Illinois."

The Registration Officer shall satisfy himself that each applicant for registration is qualified to register before registering him. If the registration officer has reason to believe that the applicant is a resident of a Soldiers' and Sailors' Home or any facility which is licensed or certified pursuant to the Nursing Home Care Act, the Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Act of 2013, the ID/DD Community Care Act, or the MC/DD Act, the following question shall be put, "When you entered the home which is your present address, was it your bona fide intention to become a resident thereof?" Any voter of a township, city, village or incorporated town in which such applicant resides, shall be permitted to be present at the place of precinct registration, and shall have the right to challenge any applicant who applies to be registered.

In case the officer is not satisfied that the applicant is qualified, he shall forthwith in writing notify such applicant to appear before the County Clerk to furnish further proof of his qualifications. Upon the card of such applicant shall be written the word "Incomplete" and no such applicant shall be permitted to vote unless such registration is satisfactorily completed as hereinafter provided. No registration shall be taken and marked as "incomplete" if information to complete it can be furnished on the date of the original application.

Any person claiming to be an elector in any election precinct in such township, city, village or incorporated town and whose registration is marked "Incomplete" may make and sign an application in writing, under oath, to the County Clerk in substance in the following form:

"I do solemnly swear that I, NAME, did on (insert date) make application to the Board of Registry of the PRECINCT precinct of WARD ward of the City of CITY or of the DISTRICT District. TOWN Town of COUNTY (or to the County Clerk of COUNTY) and COUNTY County; that said Board or Clerk refused to complete my registration as a qualified voter in said precinct, that I reside in said precinct (or that I intend to reside in said precinct), am a duly qualified voter and entitled to vote in said precinct at the next election.


(Signature of Applicant)"

All such applications shall be presented to the County Clerk by the applicant, in person between the hours of nine o'clock a.m. and five o'clock p.m., on Monday and Tuesday of the third week subsequent to the weeks in which the 1961 and 1962 precinct re-registrations are to be held, and thereafter for the registration provided in Section 5-17 of this Article, all such .applications shall be presented to the County Clerk by the applicant in person between the hours of nine o'clock a.m. and nine o'clock p.m. on Monday and Tuesday of the third week prior to the date on which such election is to be held.

Any otherwise qualified person who is absent from his county of residence either due to business of the United States or because he is temporarily outside the territorial limits of the United States may become registered by mailing an application to the county clerk within the periods of registration provided for in this Article or by simultaneous application for registration by mail and vote by mail ballot as provided in Article 20. this link opens in a new browser tab. of this Code.

Upon receipt of such application the county clerk shall immediately mail an affidavit of registration in duplicate, which affidavit shall contain the following and such other information as the State Board of Elections may think it proper to require for the identification of the applicant:

Name. The name of the applicant, giving surname and first or Christian name in full, and the middle name or the initial for such middle name, if any.


Residence. The name and number of the street, avenue or other location of the dwelling, and such additional clear and definite description as may be necessary to determine the exact location of the dwelling of the applicant. Where the location cannot be determined by street and number, then the Section, congressional township and range number may be used, or such other information as may be necessary, including post office mailing address.

Electronic mail address, if the registrant has provided this information.

Term of residence in the State of Illinois and the precinct.

Nativity. The State or country in which the applicant was born.

Citizenship. Whether the applicant is native born or naturalized. If naturalized, the court, place and date of naturalization.

Age. Date of birth, by month, day and year.

Out of State address of ..........................


State of .........)


County of ........)

I hereby swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States; that on the day of the next election I shall have resided in the State of Illinois for 6 months and in the election precinct 30 days; that I am fully qualified to vote, that I am not registered to vote anywhere else in the United States, that I intend to remain a resident of the State of Illinois and of the election precinct, that I intend to return to the State of Illinois, and that the above statements are true.


(His or her signature or mark)

Subscribed and sworn to before me, an officer qualified to administer oaths, on (insert date).


Signature of officer administering oath.

Upon receipt of the executed duplicate affidavit of Registration, the county clerk shall transfer the information contained thereon to duplicate Registration Cards provided for in Section 5-7 of this Article and shall attach thereto a copy of each of the duplicate affidavit of registration and thereafter such registration card and affidavit shall constitute the registration of such person the same as if he had applied for registration in person.

10 ILCS 5/9.1 — Cancellation of Deceased Voter's Registration

Cancellation of deceased voter's registration. Upon establishment of an electronic reporting system for death registrations as provided in the Vital Records Act, the county clerk of the county where a decedent last resided, as indicated on the decedent's death certificate, may issue certifications of death records from that system and may use that system to cancel the registration of any person who has died during the preceding month and cause the name of each such deceased person to be erased from the register of the precinct in which the deceased person was registered. Regardless of whether or not such a system has been established, it is the duty of the county clerk to examine monthly the records deposited in his or her office pursuant to the Vital Records Act that relate to deaths in the county, to cancel the registration of any person who has died during the preceding month and cause the name of each such deceased person to be erased from the register of the precinct in which the deceased person was registered.

10 ILCS 5/5-10 — Deputy Registrars Canvassing Each Precinct [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-11 — Deputy Registrar Checking Verification List [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-12 — Investigation of Residence [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-13 — Canvassers [not included].

10 ILCS 5/14 — The End of the Canvass of Registered Voters

Either of the canvassers shall, at the end of the canvass, return the "Verification Lists" to the County Clerk and a certificate of the correctness of such return. Immediately after receipt of such Verification Lists, the County Clerk shall cause copies to be printed in plain large type in sufficient numbers to meet all demands, and upon application, a copy of the same shall be given to any person applying therefor. Thereafter a list of registered voters in each precinct shall be compiled by the County clerk, prior to the General Election to be held in November of each even numbered year. On the list, the County Clerk shall indicate, by italics, asterisk, or other means, the names of all persons who have registered since the last regularly scheduled election in the consolidated schedule of elections established in Section 2A-1.1. this link opens in a new browser tab. of this Act.

When the list of registered voters in each precinct is compiled, the County Clerk shall give a copy of it to the chair of a county central committee of an established political party, as such party is defined in Section 10-2 of this Act, or to the chair's duly authorized representative. Within 30 days of the effective date of this Amendatory Act of 1983, the County Clerk shall give the list of registered voters in each precinct that was compiled prior to the general November election of 1982 to the chair of a county central committee of an established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

Within 60 days after each general election the county clerk shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the list of registered voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at that general election, and shall provide a copy of such list to the chair of the county central committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1983, the county clerk shall indicate by italics, asterisk, or other means, on the list of registered voters in each precinct, each registrant who voted at the general election of 1982, and shall provide a copy of such coded list to the chair of the county central committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

The county clerk may charge a fee to reimburse the actual cost of duplicating each copy of a list provided under either of the 2 preceding paragraphs.

10 ILCS 5/5-15 — 1962 Reregistration [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-16 — Docket of Registration [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-16.1 — Other Registration Locations[not included] [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-16.2 — Authorizing Deputy Registrars [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-16.3 — Temporary Places of Registration [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-17 — Scheduling Registration

If the county clerk determines, as provided in Section 5-16.1, to have precinct registration in the county, the board of county commissioners shall, prior to any general state election held in the month of November of any even numbered year designate a day or days and shall designate convenient places in the townships or cities or villages or incorporated towns for registration of voters. Such day or days shall not be more than 36 nor less than 28 days before such election.

The provisions of Section 5-3 of this Article shall apply to the selection of places of registration under this Section and the provisions of Section 5-3 relative to the attendance of police officers during the conduct of such registration shall also apply.

The officers of registration chosen to conduct registrations under the provisions of this Section shall be chosen by the county clerk.

In choosing officers of registration, the county clerk shall choose only persons residing in the township in which the place of registration is located. He shall choose, in each precinct, 3 officers of registration, at least one from each of the 2 major political parties. The county clerk may appoint additional officers of registration in precincts which have had sudden increases in population.

The officers so chosen shall be voters registered under the provisions of this Article 5, and shall have the same qualifications and take the same oath as required of registration officers under Section 5-4 of this Article 5, and shall be subject to the same penalties.

The places of registration designated by the board of county commissioners under the provisions of this Section shall be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on such day or days as may be specified by the board of county commissioners.

Registration under this Section shall be made in the same manner as provided for precinct registration under the provisions of this Article 5, but the canvass of registration shall be made by 2 registration officers of different political affiliations, said registration officers to be designated by the county clerk and the hearing and final revision of the registry heretofore conducted by the board of revision shall be performed by the county clerk or his deputy on the Monday and Tuesday following precinct registration. Said revision under this Section shall take place at the office of the county clerk between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

The registration officers shall make their returns to the county clerk not later than noon of the day following the last day of the canvass of registration provided by this Section.

Poll Watchers at Scheduled Registration Events

The election authorities shall issue credentials to registration day pollwatchers in the manner and on the terms prescribed in Section 17-23. this link opens in a new browser tab. with respect to pollwatchers at elections.

Registration day pollwatchers shall be allowed to see the names and addresses of the people who have registered during the course of the day.

No person shall, at any precinct registration or reregistration, do any electioneering or soliciting of votes or engage in any political discussion within any precinct registration place or within 30 feet thereof. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prohibit any candidate from being present in or near any precinct registration place. All persons who register to vote at any precinct registration place must be residents of the precinct in which they register.

10 ILCS 5/5-18 — Notice of Registration [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-19 — Registrar Requirements [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-20 — Incomplete Registration [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-21 — Confirming Registration [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-22 — Instruction on Blank Registration Forms [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-23 — Registered Voter Changing Address Within the Same County

Any registered voter who changes his residence from one address, number or place to another within the same county wherein this Article 5 is in effect, may have his registration transferred to his new address by making and signing an application for such change of residence upon a form to be provided by the county clerk. Such application must be made to the office of the county clerk. In case the person is unable to sign his name the county clerk shall require such person to execute the request in the presence of the county clerk or of his properly authorized representative, by his mark, and if satisfied of the identity of the person, the county clerk shall make the transfer.

Upon receipt of such application, the county clerk, or one of his employees deputized to take registrations shall cause the signature of the voter and the data appearing upon the application to be compared with the signature and data on the registration record, and if it appears that the applicant is the same person as the party previously registered under that name the transfer shall be made.

Transfer of registration under the provisions of this section may not be made within the period when the county clerk's office is closed to registration prior to an election at which such voter would be entitled to vote.

Any registered voter who changes his or her name by marriage or otherwise, shall be required to register anew and authorize the cancellation of the previous registration; provided, however, that if the change of name takes place within a period during which such new registration cannot be made, next preceding any election or primary, the elector may, if otherwise qualified, vote upon making the following affidavit before the judges of election:

I do solemnly swear that I am the same person now registered in the PRECINCT precinct of the WARD ward of the city of CITY or DISTRICT District Town of TOWN under the name of FORMER NAME and that I still reside in said precinct or district.


If the voter whose name has changed still resides in the same precinct, the voter may vote after making the affidavit at the polling place regardless of when the change of name occurred. In that event, the affidavit shall not state that the voter is required to register; the affidavit shall be treated by the election authority as authorization to cancel the registration under the former name, and the election authority shall register the voter under his or her current name.

Suitable forms for this purpose shall be provided by the county clerk. The form in all cases shall be similar to the form furnished by the county clerk for county and state elections.

The precinct election officials shall report to the county clerk the names and addresses of all such persons who have changed their addresses and voted. The city, village, town and incorporated town clerks shall within five days after every election report to the county clerk the names and addresses of the persons reported to them as having voted by affidavit as in this Section provided.

The county clerk may obtain information from utility companies, city, village, town and incorporated town records, the post office or from other sources regarding the removal of registered voters and notify such voters that a transfer of registration may be made in the manner provided by this Section.

If any person be registered by error in a precinct other than that in which he resides the county clerk shall be empowered to transfer his registration to the proper precinct.

Where a revision or rearrangement of precincts is made by the board of county commissioners, the county clerk shall immediately transfer to the proper precinct the registration of any voter affected by such revision or rearrangement of the precincts; make the proper notations on the registration cards of a voter affected by the revision of registration and shall notify the registrant of such change.

10 ILCS 5/5-24 — Notice of Cancellation of Registration [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-25 — Canvassing Registered Voters [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-25.01 — Confirmation of the Address Used By A Voter Without An Address [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-25.1 — Other Registrars [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-26 — Destroyed, Lost, or Mutilated Registration Cards [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-28 — Location of Original Registration Cards [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-28.1 — Record of Boundaries of Political Subdivisions [not included].

10 ILCS 5/5-29 — Certificate of Registered Voter

Upon application to vote, except as hereinafter provided for absent electors, each registered elector shall sign his name or make his mark as the case may be, on a certificate substantially as follows:

"Certificate of Registered Voter

Town of................District or Precinct Number..........;

City of................Ward...............Precinct..........;

Village of................................Precinct..........;


(date) (month) (year)

Registration record

Checked by.....................

Voter's number..................

Instruction to voters

Sign this certificate and hand it to the election officer in charge. After the registration record has been checked, the officer will hand it back to you. Whereupon you shall present it to the officer in charge of the ballots.

I hereby certify that I am registered from the address below and am qualified to vote.

Signature of voter ...............

Residence address ..............."

Not Required To Provide a Social Security Number

An individual shall not be required to provide his social security number when applying for a ballot. He shall not be denied a ballot, nor shall his ballot be challenged, solely because of his refusal to provide his social security number. Nothing in this Act prevents an individual from being requested to provide his social security number when the individual applies for a ballot. If, however, the certificate contains a space for the individual's social security number, the following notice shall appear on the certificate, immediately above such space, in bold-face capital letters, in type the size of which equals the largest type on the certificate:


Certificates as above prescribed shall be furnished by the county clerk for all elections.

Comparing Signatures

The Judges in charge of the precinct registration files shall compare the signature upon such certificate with the signature on the registration record card as a means of identifying the voter. Unless satisfied by such comparison that the applicant to vote is the identical person who is registered under the same name, the Judges shall ask such applicant the questions for identification which appear on the registration card and if the applicant does not prove to the satisfaction of a majority of the judges of the election precinct that he is the identical person registered under the name in question then the vote for such applicant shall be challenged by a Judge of Election, and the same procedure followed as provided by law for challenged voters.

Elector Unable To Sign His Name

In case the elector is unable to sign his name, a Judge of Election shall check the data on the registration card and shall check the address given, with the registered address, in order to determine whether he is entitled to vote.

Checking the Certificate

One of the Judges of election shall check the certificate of each applicant for a ballot after the registration record has been examined and shall sign his initials on the certificate in the space provided therefor, and shall enter upon such certificate the number of the voter in the place provided therefor, and make an entry in the voting record space on the registration record, to indicate whether or not the applicant voted. Such judge shall then hand such certificate back to the applicant in case he is permitted to vote, and such applicant shall hand it to the judge of election in charge of the ballots. The certificates of the voters shall be filed in the order in which they are received and shall constitute an official poll record. The term "Poll Lists" and "Poll Books" where used in this article 5 shall be construed to apply to such official poll records.

List of Voters Sent to County Party Chair

After each general primary election the county clerk shall indicate by color code or other means next to the name of each registrant on the list of registered voters in each precinct the primary ballot of a political party that the registrant requested at that general primary election. The county clerk, within 60 days after the general primary election, shall provide a copy of this coded list to the chair of the county central committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

Within 60 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1983, the county clerk shall provide to the chair of the county central committee of each established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative the list of registered voters in each precinct at the time of the general primary election of 1982 and shall indicate on such list by color code or other means next to the name of a registrant the primary ballot of a political party that the registrant requested at the general primary election of 1982.

The county clerk may charge a fee to reimburse the actual cost of duplicating each copy of a list provided under either of the 2 preceding paragraphs.

Where an elector makes application to vote by signing and presenting the certificate provided by this Section, and his registration record card is not found in the precinct registry of voters, but his name appears as that of a registered voter in such precinct upon the printed precinct list of voters and whose name has not been erased or withdrawn from such register, it shall be the duty of one of the Judges of Election to require an affidavit by such person and two voters residing in the precinct before the judges of election that he is the same person whose name appears upon the precinct register and that he resides in the precinct stating the street number of his residence. Forms for such affidavit shall be supplied by the county clerk for all elections. Upon the making of such affidavit and the presentation of his certificate such elector shall be entitled to vote. All affidavits made under this paragraph shall be preserved and returned to the county clerk in an envelope. It shall be the duty of the county clerk within 30 days after such election to take steps provided by Section 5-27 of this article 5 for the execution of new registration affidavits by electors who have voted under the provisions of this paragraph.

Provided, however, that the applications for ballots made by registered voters and under the provisions of article 19 of this act shall be accepted by the Judges of Election in lieu of the "certificate of registered voter" provided for in this section.

When the county clerk delivers to the judges of election for use at the polls a supplemental or consolidated list of the printed precinct register, he shall give a copy of the supplemental or consolidated list to the chair of a county central committee of an established political party or to the chair's duly authorized representative.

Whenever two or more elections occur simultaneously, the election authority charged with the duty of providing application certificates may prescribe the form thereof so that a voter is required to execute only one, indicating in which of the elections he desires to vote.

After the signature has been verified, the judges shall determine in which political subdivisions the voter resides by use of the information contained on the voter registration cards or the separate registration lists or other means approved by the State Board of Elections and prepared and supplied by the election authority. The voter's certificate shall be so marked by the judges as to show the respective ballots which the voter is given.

10 ILCS 5/5-29.01 — Military or Navel Personnel Voting In Person

The provisions of this Article 5, so far as they require the registration of voters as a condition to their being allowed to vote shall not apply to persons otherwise entitled to vote, who are, at the time of the election, or at any time within 60 days prior to such election, have been engaged in the military or naval service of the United States, and who appear personally at the polling place on election day and produce to the judges of election satisfactory evidence thereof, but such persons, if otherwise qualified to vote, shall be permitted to vote at such election without previous registration.

All such persons shall also make an affidavit which shall be in substantially the following form:

"State of Illinois)


County of  COUNTY )


I, NAME, do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I am a citizen of the United States, of the age of 18 years or over, and that within the past 60 days prior to the date of this election at which I am applying to vote, I have been engaged in the BRANCH OF SERVICE (military or naval) service of the United States; and I am qualified to vote under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of Illinois, and that I am a legally qualified voter of this precinct and ward except that I have, because of such service, been unable to register as a voter; that I now reside at ADDRESS (insert street and number, if any) in this precinct and ward, that I have maintained a legal residence in this precinct and ward for 30 days and in the State 30 days next preceding this election.


Subscribed and sworn to before me on (insert date).


Judge of Election."

The affidavit of any such person shall be supported by the affidavit of a resident and qualified voter of any such precinct and ward, which affidavit shall be in substantially the following form:

"State of Illinois)


County of  COUNTY )


I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I am a resident of this precinct and ward and entitled to vote at this election; that I am acquainted with NAME OF THE APPLICANT(name of the applicant); that I verily believe him to be an actual bona fide resident of this precinct and ward and that I verily believe that he has maintained a legal residence therein 30 days and in this State 30 days next preceding this election.

Subscribed and sworn to before me on DATE(insert date).

Judge of Election."

The provisions of this Article 5, so far as they require the registration of voters as a condition to their being allowed to vote shall not apply to persons otherwise entitled to vote who have made and subscribed to the affidavit provided in paragraph (b) of Section 17-10 of this Act.

10 ILCS 5/5-30 — Registering For A Primary

Upon application to vote at a general primary election each registered elector shall sign his name or mark and write his address on a certificate substantially the same as that used in the general election except that it shall have a place for party affiliation which is to be filled in by the elector, or by the officer in charge if the elector is unable to write. The certificates of each State-wide political party at a primary election shall be separately printed upon paper of uniform quality, texture and size, but the certificates of no 2 State-wide political parties shall be of the same color or tint. However, if the election authority provides computer generated applications with the precinct, ballot style and voter's name and address preprinted on the application, a single application may be used for State-wide political parties if it contains spaces or check-off boxes to indicate the political party. Such application shall not entitle the voter to vote in the primary of more than one political party at the same election. Such applications may contain spaces or check-off boxes permitting the voter to request a primary ballot of any other political party which is established only within a political subdivision and for which a primary is conducted on the same election day. Such application shall not entitle the voter to vote in both the primary of the State-wide political party and the primary of the local political party with respect to the offices of the same political subdivision. In no event may a voter vote in more than one State-wide primary on the same day. Such certificates when checked and initialed by the Judge in charge shall constitute the primary poll record. Such certificates at the close of the election shall be placed in an envelope, sealed and returned with the ballots. Nothing herein shall be construed to conflict with sections 7-44. this link opens in a new browser tab. and Article 7-45. this link opens in a new browser tab. of article 7 of this act. Provided, however, that the applications for ballots made by registered voters under the provisions of Article 19. this link opens in a new browser tab. of this act shall be accepted by the Judges of election in lieu of the "certificate of registered voter" provided for in this section.

10 ILCS 5/5-31 — Challenged Voter Affidavits

All challenged voters affidavits made before the judges of election under provisions of sections 5-29 and 5-30 of this article 5 shall be immediately returned to the office of the county clerk. Such affidavits, before being so returned, shall be enclosed in an envelope provided for that purpose, which shall then be securely sealed with the sealing wax or other adhesive material, and each of the judges shall write his name across the seal. No judge of election shall break the seal of, or open any envelope containing affidavits, or shall permit any person to open any such envelope or break the seal thereof while the same is in his custody. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to furnish affidavits and envelopes provided by Sections 5-29 and 5-30 of this article 5 to the judges of election for all elections.

10 ILCS 5/5-34 — Poll List [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-35 — Registrar Pay [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-36 — Retention of Duplicate Registration Cards [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-37 — Duty of the Board of Election Commissioners

10 ILCS 5/5-37.1— Changes To Municipalities [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-38 — Territorial Limits [not included]

10 ILCS 5/5-39 — Drinking While Registering

During the hours of registration or revision of registration no person shall bring, take, order or send into, or shall attempt to bring, take or send into any place of registration or revision of registration, any distilled or spirituous liquors whatever; or shall, at any such time and place drink or partake of such liquor.

10 ILCS 5/5-43 — Computerized Voter Records

10 ILCS 5/5-50 — Grace Period

Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code to the contrary, each election authority shall establish procedures for the registration of voters and for change of address during the period from the close of registration for an election until and including the day of the election.

Grace Period Registration

During this grace period, an unregistered qualified elector may register to vote, and a registered voter may submit a change of address form, in person in the office of the election authority, at a permanent polling place established under Section 19A-10. this link opens in a new browser tab., at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the election, at a polling place on election day, or at a voter registration location specifically designated for this purpose by the election authority.

Grace Period Registration At Nursing Homes & Care Facilities

Grace period registration and changes of address shall also be conducted for eligible residents in connection with voting at facilities under Section 19-12.2. this link opens in a new browser tab. of this Code. The election authority shall register that individual, or change a registered voter's address, in the same manner as otherwise provided by this Article for registration and change of address.

Grace Period Voting

If a voter who registers or changes address during this grace period wishes to vote at the election or primary occurring during the grace period, he or she must do so by grace period voting.

Grace Period Locations

The election authority shall offer in-person grace period voting at his or her office, any permanent polling place established under Section 19A-10. this link opens in a new browser tab., and at any other early voting site beginning 15 days prior to the election, at a polling place on election day, where grace period registration is required by this Section; and may offer in-person grace period voting at additional hours and locations specifically designated for the purpose of grace period voting by the election authority. The election authority may allow grace period voting by mail only if the election authority has no ballots prepared at the authority's office. Grace period voting shall be in a manner substantially similar to voting under Article Article 19A. this link opens in a new browser tab..

Within one day after a voter casts a grace period ballot, or within one day after the ballot is received by the election authority if the election authority allows grace period voting by mail, the election authority shall transmit by electronic means pursuant to a process established by the State Board of Elections the voter's name, street address, e-mail address, and precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, to the State Board of Elections, which shall maintain those names and that information in an electronic format on its website, arranged by county and accessible to State and local political committees. The name of each person issued a grace period ballot shall also be placed on the appropriate precinct list of persons to whom vote by mail and early ballots have been issued, for use as provided in Sections 17-9. this link opens in a new browser tab. and 18-5. this link opens in a new browser tab..

A person who casts a grace period ballot shall not be permitted to revoke that ballot and vote another ballot with respect to that primary or election. Ballots cast by persons who register or change address during the grace period at a location other than their designated polling place on election day must be transmitted to and counted at the election authority's central ballot counting location and shall not be transmitted to and counted at precinct polling places. The grace period ballots determined to be valid shall be added to the vote totals for the precincts for which they were cast in the order in which the ballots were opened.

Election Authorities Who Opt Out of In–Precinct Grace Period Registration

In counties with a population of less than 100,000 that do not have electronic poll books, the election authority may opt out of registration in the polling place if the election authority establishes grace period registration and voting at other sites on election day at the following sites:

10 ILCS 5/5-105 — First Time Voting

A person must vote for the first time in person and not a vote by mail ballot if the person registered to vote by mail, unless the person first provides the appropriate election authority with sufficient proof of identity and the election authority verifies the person's proof of identity. Sufficient proof of identity shall be demonstrated by submission of the person's driver's license number or State identification card number or, if the person does not have either of those, verification by the last 4 digits of the person's social security number, a copy of a current and valid photo identification, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other federal, State, or local government document that shows the person's name and address. A person may also demonstrate sufficient proof of identity by submission of a photo identification issued by a college or university accompanied by either a copy of the applicant's contract or lease for a residence or any postmarked mail delivered to the applicant at his or her current residence address. Persons who apply to register to vote by mail but provide inadequate proof of identity to the election authority shall be notified by the election authority that the registration has not been fully completed and that the person remains ineligible to vote by mail or in person until such proof is presented.

How To Use This Guide.

This is a guide to the Illinois Compiled Statutes Election Code (ILCS) as it regards to poll watchers. Not all election code statutes are included.

This guide is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to Illinois election law; it includes only those sections which are of interest to poll watchers.

The election code is copied verbatim from the ILCS website. There are no changes to the wording of the statutes, but formatting decisions were made which include:

Each page will include when the page was last updated & a link to the original ILCS website for that statute.

This guide will be maintained through the 2024 election cycle. Maintenance of this guide will end on Election Day, November 5, 2024.

Every effort ha been made to keep the information up to date.