Chapter 9 – Assisted Voting

F. Voter Who Cannot Access the Polling Place

One of the considerations when choosing a polling place is that it is in a building that is accessible, but even when an accessible building is selected, voters still may be unable to access the polling room or the voting booth area.

If there are structural impediments that prevent the voter from entering the polling place and the voter can get within fifty (50) feet of the polling place* a voter can request that a ballot be delivered to that voter "at the point where he or she is unable to continue forward motion toward the polling place".

The request for such access must be made to the election authority (i.e., County Clerk or local Board of Elections) by end of business the day before the election. The election authority will relay the request to the election judges at the polling place.

Two election judges from different parties will deliver the ballot to the voter. The election judges will remain until the ballot is completely filled out and returned to the election judges, who, upon re-entering the polling place will deposit the ballot immediately in the ballot box/tabulator.

* Note that this is well within the Campaign Free Zone and subject to rules regarding electioneering.

What the Election Judges May and May Not Say

As in all voter assistance situations, the election judges may instruct the voter on how to fill out the ballot, but may not instruct the voter who or what to vote for.

If the voter needs further assistance, they must fill out an affidavit, which the election judges may also deliver to the voter.
See: Chapter 9D, Options Available For Voters Needing Further Assistance

The Poll Watcher's Duty

The poll watcher may accompany the election judges in order to observe.

The poll watcher may not instruct the voter or comment to the voter on any instruction.

A poll watcher may challenge mistakes in instruction or perceived bias in the instruction, but that challenge must be made to the election judges and never to the voter.

Once the vote is complete, the poll watcher accompanies the election judges back to the polling place and observes the immediate deposit of the ballot in the ballot box/tabulator.

Illinois — 2022 Election