Chapter 2 – Basic Poll Watcher Rights & Responsibilities
2.A. Poll Watcher Requirements
2.A.3. Credentialed, continued.
2.A.3.e. Revoking A Poll Watcher's Credentials.
No one — let me repeat that for those in the back — NO ONE can pull the credentials of a poll watcher, except the poll watcher's sponsoring organization.
Once a poll watcher has presented their credentials, the Election Judges can remove a poll watcher from the polling place for overcrowding.
A poll watcher who is removed for overcrowding in the polling place:
- Can only be removed after a vote by the majority of the Election Judges of the precincts for which the poll watcher is credentialed.
- Must be selected by drawing lots.
- One poll watcher per political party must be allowed to remain in the polling place.
Election Authorities cannot bar someone from being a poll watcher if a credentialed organization, in turn, credentials that individual. Election Authorities cannot even know who the poll watchers will be. They cannot ask for a list of poll watchers.
The Election Authority credentials an organization, but the organization credentials the poll watcher. Only the sponsoring organization can revoke a poll watcher's credentials.
There is no mechanism to refuse to credential, deny credentialing, or deny the credentials of an organization which meets the criteria in 10 ILCS 5-7-34. this link opens in a new browser tab. (primaries) or 10 ILCS 5-17-23. this link opens in a new browser tab. (general, municipal, special, and consolidated elections).