Chapter 4 — Election Day.
4.A. Before the Polls Open.
4.A.3. Examine The Ballot Box/Tabulator.
This is the poll watcher's primary duty before the polls open.
An election judge will open the ballot box or the tabulator for the poll watcher (or any member of the public) can examine the ballot box/tabulator. The poll watcher is looking for ballots left in the ballot box/tabulator.
The poll watcher is not allowed to touch the ballot box or the tabulator, but can ask the election judge for reasonable accommodation to move something in order to complete the examination.
4.A.3.a. Checking the Counter Is Set to Zero (Tabulators)
In precincts that use electronic precinct tabulation optical scan technology scanning, poll watchers will also check the tabulator to be sure the counter is set to zero.