Chapter 2 — Basic Poll Watcher Rights & Responsibilities

2.B. Electioneering

2.B.1. Restricted Subjects.

  • Candidates on the ballot.
  • Political parties.
  • Memes that identify a candidate or political party.
  • Ballot propositions.
  • Organizations that favor or oppose a ballot proposition.
  • Constitutional questions on the ballot.
  • Organizations that favor or oppose a Constitutional questions on the ballot.

2.B.2. Restricted Actions and Objects.

  • Campaigning.
  • The solicitation of vote.
  • Political discussions.
  • Wearing or displaying campaign paraphilia, including but not limited to:
    • Buttons, pins, and ribbons.
    • Clothing.
    • Tattoos or make-up.

2.B.3. Consequences.

A poll watcher can challenge or point out electioneering to an Election Judge.

Only an Election Judge can take action.

  • If the person is in line to vote or to register to vote, then the person will be asked to leave the Polling Place only long enough to correct the situation.
  • If the person is not in line to vote or to register to vote, the person can be asked to leave the Polling Place.

The person will be asked by the Election Judge to stop or will be invited by the Election Judge to continue the discussion outside of the Campaign Free Zone.

If the person is wearing electioneering material, they will be asked by the Election Judge to remove, cover, or turn clothing inside-out while they are within the Campaign Free Zone.

The Election Judge will direct that person to the closest restroom if they require privacy.

While the Election Judge can ask that the person temporarily remove themselves from the Polling Place, an Election Judge cannot direct or imply that a person who was in line to vote or to register to vote is permanently barred from the Polling Place.

The person can immediately return once the situation is corrected.

If the person was in line to vote, the Election Judge decides whether they return to their place in line or must go to the end of the line.

What if they refuse?

The Election Judge can ask a peace officer to temporarily remove the person until they comply.

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