Chapter 2 – Basic Poll Watcher Rights & Responsibilities

2.F. What Can A Poll Watcher Touch?

2.F.1. A Poll Watcher Can Touch Nothing.

Ask an election judge to see an election record, this includes the election judge's computer screen.

The election judge should place the record where you can read it so that you do not have to touch it. If the election judges places the requested records in a position where the requested records cannot be read, point out the election judge's oversight.

2.F.2. What About The Poll Watcher Sign-In Sheet?

Don't be pedantic. Of course, you can touch the poll watcher sign-in sheet when you are signing in and signing out.

However, when you are not actively signing in or signing out, the poll watcher sign-in sheet is treated as any other election record. You can ask to see it. The election judge places it where the poll watcher can see it. The poll watcher can read it but cannot touch it.

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