Chapter 03 — Registering To Vote.

A. Grace Period Registration.

We will begin with Grace Period registration, since that is what a poll watcher is most likely to see.

1. What Is A Grace Period?

During the Grace Period, a person can register to vote or change their registration in-person, at either an early voting polling place or, on Election Day, at their precinct polling place.

"Same day registration" at the polling place is Grace Period registration.

2. When Is The Grace Period?

The Grace Period begins fifteen (15) days before an election or primary through and including Election Day.

The person registering or changing registration must be able to produce the required documentation.
See: Chapter 3C, Documentation Needed To Register To Vote. opens in a new browser tab..

3. Where is Grace Period Registration?

Grace Period registration occurs at a polling place with the election judge as registrar.

Polling places which have Grace Period registration may include:

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